One-Call System

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Underground Locating

If you plan to dig, use the one-call service to locate underground facilities.  Visit, or call toll-free 1-800-795-0555 or 811 and a locating service will contact all the utilities with underground facilities in the area of the dig.

One-call needs to be notified 48 hours before digging begins. When you call, please have the specific location of the dig site, including township, range, section and quarter section. Driving directions to the dig site are helpful.  North Central Electric Coopertive will not locate wires owned by homeowners such as electric secondary wires to the home or out buildings.  

You should not call North Central Electric Cooperative for cable locates. The locating service will only notify North Central Electric Cooperative if Cooperative owned underground facilities to locate near the dig site. Once facilities are located, you can start on your digging project.

If you have an emergency related to underground facilities, also call the one-call system at 1-800-795-0555 or 811.